Last summer, the Texas Legislature held a hearing on the Cooperative Purchasing Agreements - which affect Roofing.
The hearing can be seen at:
Texas House of Representatives -
Committee on Government Efficiency & Reform - Meeting July 12, 2012
One can also see the following:
The Notice
The Witness List
In the list are the following Roofing Companies/Professional Association:
DuCharme, Michael (Carlisle Construction Materials) - who spoke at the first hearing on this issue, ever, held June 30, 2010 at the California Legislature's Committee on Accountability and Administrative Review
Huber, Michael (The Garland Company)
Naber, Dave (Dave Naber Tremco Incorporated)
Ward, III, Arthur (RCI, Inc) - for those that don't know, the RCI is the Roof Consultant's Institute out of Raleigh, NC and have posted a position statement against the use of COOP Agreements, here:
Dennis (CCAP, Inc Firestone Building Products) - A Spokesperson from Firestone spoke at the California Legislative Hearings starting June 30, 2010
William (GAF) - A Spokesperson from GAF also spoke at the California Legislative Hearings starting June 30, 2010
Note that "Percaciante, Frank (The Garland Company)" Registered but did not speak, according to their record above.
Tremco and Garland's interests in Texas' Cooperative Purchasing Agencies and any school or public works roofing contracts surely can be no different than what we have experienced in California.
Note also that Garland had spent over $1 million to stop hearings and legislation in California since their June 30, 2010 hearings and were not only successful, the go-to State Senator let me know in no uncertain terms how viciously angry he was with me for alerting the California Legislature. On a September, 2012 evening with only his daughter for a "witness", for over an hour he showed his fury in his face as we talked about another issue. He was a former President of the San Francisco School Board.and on it with the other former President of the same board, who told me that "EVERYBODY" was on the take and laughing, then threatened my life, twice, in two minutes. San Francisco Unified School District has done a majority of their roofing with Garland, sole-sourced.
Some politicians apparently don't like us exposing their "funding" sources....