See the TV News Reports at the top of the Sidebar below to the right, just below this links section....and click on the photos!


  • John Fox & Clemon Williams vs. Kern High School District, Whistleblowing to the FBI Re: Garland Purchase Orders, Bakersfield, California, 2013
  • GSA vs. Tremco, Qui Tam Suit, 2013
  • Los Angeles vs. Garland, Re: Bid Collusion, Racketeering, etc., Los Angeles, California, About 1997
  • Quality Tile Roofing vs. Tremco Roofing, Re: False Fraud Charges leveled at Tremco Certified Contractor for not bidding Tremco products at Mountain Home Air Force Base, Boise, Idaho, About 1997

Sunday, March 31, 2013

A New Jersey Engineering Firm Prosecuted for Conspiracy & Money Laundering Goes Belly-Up

Why would this story relate to the Roofing Scam?

The tactics used by the Engineering Firm have been seen in similar scams targeting school funds and other public facilities construction contracts.

What happened?

Birdsall was "indicted for conspiring over six years to funnel money through employees to the same elected officials awarding them millions of dollars in public contracts."

The story is here:

Indicted N.J. engineering firm Birdsall Services Group files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy

The story is how they caught for doing what is here:

Secret recording led to criminal case against N.J. engineering firm Birdsall Services Group 

It's another lesson in how kickbacks are given for contracts....


And from the Comments Section to the first story above is a list of the politicians receiving "contributions" from Birdsall - note the preponderence of Democrats - same thing we see in California recently with the arrests in the San Diego area of 15 School Superintendents, School Board Members, Construction Management Company Personnel, a BOND Financier! and an architect - and we know it's a lot worse across California...:

I'd like to see a list of the top recipients of those Birdsall contributions! 

Mary Anne Connolly D
Frank Pollone D
Timothy cardon D
Bill Pascrell D
James Treffinger R
John Edwards D
Jn Corzine D
Robert Menendez D
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee D
America Coming Together PAC D
Evan Bayh D
Barak Obama D
William Gormley R
Rush Holt D
Steve Rothman D
Donald Young R
Robert Torricelli D
John Kerry D
NJ Democrat State Committee D
New Millennium PAC D

Should I continue?