For those who would like to see more done to stop the bleeding of taxpayer dollars into the coffers of politicians who are benefiting, and not the schoolkids, you can hear this blogger speaking with Brian Sussman at KSFO Radio in San Francisco, California, this past Wednesday morning, on "Whistleblower Wednesdays".
KSFO is part of the major ABC Television/Radio Stations conglomerate in the City of San Francisco, and features Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin, for whom Brian Sussman subbed Thanksgiving week this year. Brian and I have known each other for about 8 years now.
It is located here:
Hit "Wednesday" at the top and then the hour "8-9am"
It can only be heard through Tuesday evening, Dec. 6th.
When the little window comes up - scroll the bar to 6:15 minutes, and I
start talking at 6:35 minutes and it goes to 15:02.
You can hear me explaining how the scam works, Brian's questions and he gets to the major point of asking me what is helping it stay in place
out here - and some of what happened.
If you speak up - it has to stop. You can bet there will be action if the pressure is kept up - and they hate exposure out here in California more than anything.....please call in and help!
As you know, what happens here travels across the US, and with good anchors in various states doing good work, it won't be long...
One of the reasons we hear nothing is being done is that too many School Board Members, City Council Members and more are involved - and there is fear of what will happen when known - but more so, they are afraid of being caught.
If you speak up - it has to stop. You can bet there will be action if the pressure is kept up - and they hate exposure out here in California more than anything.....please call in and help!
As you know, what happens here travels across the US, and with good anchors in various states doing good work, it won't be long...
For those of you in the industry, please call in and "pile on"
next Wednesday morning at (415) 808-5600 to get on air....that's his weekly
whistleblowing program, from 5-9 am West Coast time. Get all your buddies to
help - please!
They will ask if you want to use another name and have your voice disguised, and they do a great job!
And don't hesitate to call from Canada or the UK or anywhere else - yes, I know you are using the blogs and so glad to see it!
Remember, billions across the country have been lost in this one scam in
schools - since the 1930's....
You can also write Brian at:
If only I could say "West Contra Costa County!"